The Green Nurse at Holistic Caring Network is an umbrella of global progressive health professionals who provide products and services that are vetted by cannabis experts in the industry. Our platform is aimed towards both patients and providers as the one stop shop for your Green Nurse Approved education and product needs. Our programs support the viability of the medical cannabis programs and those professionals who work these programs. We offer:
Bloom Hemp CBD wants to give everyone the best start, so fill out the mini intake form and we’ll reply with our top 3 products that will help you heal, including dosing guidelines and lifestyle tips to feel your best sooner.
A Physician EventBryan Doner, DO |
Compassionate Caregivers and Compassionate Certification Centers
PA Medical Marijuana Educational Forum – Cranberry Public Library
Diana Briggs, Founder of PA Compassionate Caregivers and Dr. Bryan Doner, CEO of Compassionate Certification Centers, will give an overview of our PA Medical Marijuana Program. In addition, we will complete the evening with a panel of experts from the MMJ Industry to answer all of your questions.